
发布时间:2010-09-05   来源:小学五年级作文    点击:   


压岁钱的来历 压岁钱的来历作文

Every Lunar New Year, I will receive a lot of New Year"s money, before I always thought that New Year"s money that is given to adults and children festive gift, sometimes I would not be willing to be grandmother said that non-income is not, I asked her why, she can not exactly explain. Later, my mother told me, the original, of which there is a story of it. 【来源于www.99zuoWen.coM】
  Legend in the long, long time ago, the sky there is a monster called the "Year", which particularly like playing with children, those who let their kids are sick light in weight from their children eat, the annual New Year"s Eve, it must go to the private sector to trip. In an ancient hill, there lived an elderly couple, their old age, a son, very loved, for fear that he suffered any injury. That year New Year"s Eve night, an elderly couple fear of "old" were coming to toss their own children, they are afraid to leave the moment, keep tightly in his side, has been upholding to midnight. At this time, old couple are also tired, so took a gold coin to the kids to play. While old couple was asleep when the "old" You"re back, but it is money eyes, saw the money, it is no longer funny that kids play, and that child was finally safe and sound. The next morning, an elderly couple know that "old" has been to, and their kids are safe and very happy, and since then, the annual New Year"s Eve that they have to give kids money is used to press the "Year." New Year"s money is, by definition is the pressure "age" of money.
  Since then, New Year"s Eve night, the custom of adults to children Yasui pass down this way, but New Year"s Eve night, we all have to year"s-end tour, has been to wait until New Year"s bell ringing.
It turned out that such a tiny New Year"s money there is such a great story of what!
